John 16: 12-13: The teachings of Jesus Christ clarified and made plain

The Message made plain
In our day, the mysteries are to unfold.

Since time immemorial,
man has sought for answers to the mysteries of life. Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life on Earth? Is there really life after death? What are the conditions of that life? And how do we secure it for ourselves?

Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why poverty, injustice, famine, war, disease and death? Why me? Where is the love of God? Every thinking man comes to ask himself these questions.

In answer, Jesus Christ spoke to the men of his time. He revealed the answers to all these questions and more; but because the people were not ready, he was largely misunderstood and misinterpreted. And much of the resulting confusion still exists even into our day and age.

However, we don’t have to remain ignorant and confused. We need only to go back to first principles, to the original answers given by Christ and then, work forward from there, in order to transcend all the conflicting interpretations and see things as they really are. But this time, instead of embracing half-truths and blind teachings, we should be discriminating and wise, guided more by the dictates of reason in the light of our vastly superior wealth of personal experiences.

‘The Message Made Plain’ is a study course that precisely brings back into focus the actual words and teachings of Jesus Christ to enable the student to start afresh without having to contend too much with the misguided and confusing interpretations of mere followers.

As you go through the course, many things will clarify themselves to you. You should be able to realize the answers to all your important questions about life and death.

In Lesson 1, you will come to realize your urgent need to further your spiritual studies and prepare for eternal life. In Lesson 2, you will learn all about the person of Jesus and come to know him, intimately. He refutes many of the old beliefs and teachings which still persist even today in Lesson 3. In Lesson 4, he explains why we need to live right in the sight of God.

The reasons for suffering and the way whereby Heaven can be attained are taken up in Lesson 5. Lesson 6 puts forward for our consideration, a more practical approach to life and includes a discussion of the underlying rational bases behind his spiritual teachings. And finally, all you need to know about life hereafter are discussed in Lesson 7.

You really can’t afford to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s like having a private audience with the Lord where he reveals to you the secrets of his kingdom.

The question is: Are you now ready for him?

John 16: 12-13: There is so much more I want to tell you

As foretold by the prophets before him, Jesus made the blind to see and the deaf to hear. He healed all manner of diseases and ailments. He walked on water and calmed storms. He changed water and turned it into fine wine. He cast out evil spirits and they even meekly obeyed him. Further, he saved many from the clutches of certain death. And finally, he raised even the dead back to life.

We have heard it all so many times. Millions know him, speak highly of him, love him and many worship him as God. People have debated whether he is a true historical figure or a fiction created to ensnare the masses. They argue no end to prove he is God or that he is merely a man. So many trivial disagreements resulting in so many denominations of the faith.

We've focused on the person, who he is and what he has done, but we missed what is most important. Have we really understood what he was trying so hard to tell us? Sadly not. His teachings have been misquoted, mistranslated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, corrupted and degraded. No one now knows for sure what he really said or meant.

Which is more important – the letter or the postman who delivers the mail, the message or the messenger? God sent Jesus to deliver His message? So what is the message?

He tells us,
"Love your enemies. Do good to them that hate you. Don't resist evil. Turn your other cheek. The greatest among you is the servant of all. Every man is a fool who is rich in the things of this world, but not in the things of heaven."

He tells those who believe that they are already saved,
"Not everyone who calls me Lord can enter Heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in Heaven."

In the face of the world's ills, he asserts
"Wars must come. The poor will always be with you," all the while reassuring us that there is a valid reason for everything that happens.

And in spite of our grievous faults and incapacities, he maintains,
"All that I have done, you, too, can do. All that I am, you, too, can be. You must, you will be perfect."

How can all this be true?

Before he left, he promised us,
"I have used proverbs to tell you these things, but the time is coming when the truth shall not be so veiled and I will speak to you plainly."

Now finally, the rational bases behind his spiritual teachings can be revealed. Now, you can begin to really understand for the first time.

The Message is made plain.

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John 16:12-13: The teachings of Jesus Christ clarified and made plain (Inner Quest Studies)

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