in God’s work and deepen your own understanding of the divine
To my fellow
What if by some quirk of fate, Jesus would come calling on you, today? Would
you be able to recognize him? He might not look and dress the same? He will be restating
the same divine truths but, in addition, he will be using different parables,
words and phrases. Just as he did 2,000 years ago, he will be revealing fresh,
new insights concerning God, our Father, about our true spirits selves and
elaborate on the things of Heaven, as yet unknown to most everyone.
When last here with us, he was not vested with a cloak of authority, but his
life and works proved that he spoke only the Truth. He didn’t even approach the
religious authorities, he shunned them, in fact, knowing that they would
repudiate him and reject his new teachings to hold on to their power and
influence, and protect their own interests, at the expense of the Truth. So he
preached his truth directly to the people, instead.
The search for
the true teachings
Today, the situation is not much different. Jesus was sent by God to deliver
His message. However, even as a third of all the people in the world now
profess to be Christians, so much of Christ’s teachings have been grossly
misquoted, mistranslated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, corrupted and
degraded. Sadly, the message has been all but lost. The churches and their
congregations have focused on belief in the person of Jesus, but are mostly
confused in regard to the message. Now ask yourself, which is more important,
the message or the messenger. So what is the message?
No wonder, he needs to come, again, to set everything right.
revelations and teachings soon to come
Before he crossed over to the Other-World, the True Home, his and ours, he told
“I have used proverbs to tell you these things, but the
time is coming when the truth shall not be so veiled and I will speak to you
plainly about the Father.” (JN 16)
“If you adhere to my teaching, you will really be my disciples; and you shall
know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” (JN 8)
“Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you cannot understand it
now. When the Spirit of Holiness and Truth comes, he will guide you into all
truth.” (JN 16)
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.” (JN 14)
The Bible does
not have all the answers
The implications should be crystal clear to all whose minds and hearts are
open. The Bible does not contain all of the Truth. In fact, most all of the
objectionable teachings in the Old Testament were already refuted and rendered
obsolete by the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. And many
pronouncements by the various authors in the New Testament, itself, are
suspect, as well, because they are often in conflict with the actual words and
teachings of Jesus, himself. Hence, there will be even more New and Upgraded
Teachings, forthcoming. Everyone should be on the lookout for them. But only
those who are deserving will be able to receive them.
What would you
2,000 years ago, most of the people were indifferent or rejected his radical
teachings preferring instead to hold to the generally accepted but false
teachings of the established churches. Will you do the same, this time around,
if he should return, now? Or will you play it safe, and sit on the fence,
watching, while he and his followers do all the work? It’s so easy to follow
the crowd – free from the hazards and difficulties faced by every innovator and
rebel who espouses new ideas that would threaten the status quo, and far away
from the abuse and persecution heaped on those who would dare to believe
differently from the majority. Or will you rather be like Peter, Paul and the
other disciples who braved every danger and even death to follow him and help
him perform his divine work? Everyone must do his own soul-searching to find
his answer.
Christ is
“At first of every new age, Christ comes to light the way”, declares ‘The
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ’.
To prepare for his coming, the people must first be prepared to ensure that his
new teachings will be received well. Already, so much new information has been
disseminated and the preliminary revelations will continue until he finally
arrives (1).
Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Lobsang Rampa, the Tibetan Lama, have all
supposedly predicted that the new Christ will have been born sometime before
the year 2000 and that he will begin his public ministry soon after. Other
predictions mention some later date. But all of them are unanimous in expecting
this event to happen very soon, now, quite possibly in your lifetime.
Who can best
tell us more
What makes a writer unique and qualified to write regarding these matters?
Perhaps, you can agree that he must have had his own personal and direct
experiences of these facts and the divine principles, he must have learned from
those experiences and he must be able to impart the knowledge he has gained to
others simply and truthfully, clearly and effectively (2).
I am a student of the Archangel Michael and a disciple of Jesus Christ (3).
Yes. They are real, they are alive and they are able to communicate with their younger
brothers, that’s you and me, directly, when they need to.
The people of the world believe in so many foolish lies, falsehoods,
half-truths and superstitions. They think that the physical world is all there
is so they base everything on this false reasoning and live like there is no
tomorrow. But there is another world beyond this world we live in and life
continues after death. “The knowledge of the world is foolishness to God.” And
Jesus tells us emphatically, “I am not of the world.”
How do I know what I know? Through the operation of the divine principle of
reincarnation, all of us, you included, have undergone many lives prior to our
present appearance here from which experiences, we have derived much learning
which are different for everyone. Some of us are permitted to retain some of
that memory and access the knowledge of what we have learned in our past lives
that have a bearing on the present. And even before we were actually born into
this world, we underwent all the necessary preparations to ensure that we will
succeed in our life’s mission, here.
In regard to my present incarnation, since 1976, I have studied with the
Spiritists under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirits or the Spirits of
Truth (4) and later, I was sent by them to study with the Masters guiding the
Theosophical Society. After completing my training, I embarked on my own
mission, directly, introducing the new teachings first to all my friends and
relatives, then in most every online religious discussion forum, through our
own Inner Quest websites and blogs, in books and everywhere else that I could –
all for free - until my money ran out and I could no longer continue.
More workers
are needed
There is only so much that I can do, alone, on my own. But if you will help,
then together, we can do a whole lot more good.
The work of spiritual education is many and varied. There are many individuals
that have been “placed” in positions where they can do the most good, some
knowingly, others not – perhaps you are one of them. They will eventually join
other lightworkers in helping to bring about this general upgrading of the
spiritual instruction in our world that is to endure for this next 2,000-year
cycle. They form part of the secrets kept hidden since the foundation of the
Seek and you
will find every answer
Everyone has questions he wants answered. They are all addressed by the New
Teachings. Christ promises, “If you seek, you will find.” But like any other
study, we need to tackle the basics first before we can comprehend more highly
advanced concepts. Learning may take some time but full understanding is
possible, after.
Help others to
help yourself
It is in helping others come to the Light that you, yourself, will be able to
see the Light. You are welcome to join us. If you feel called to help in this
work, email me at or call +63 928 875 4637. You
can also reach me via my Skype, ID “iq.aluz”. Let’s discuss the possibilities
more in detail or else, I would be glad to answer your questions to resolve all
your doubts and apprehensions (5).
Help me so that, together, we can help many more others continue on their Path,
as well. This is as God intended it to be. I can provide content relating to
any and all of the true teachings of Jesus and the “All Truth” of the Holy
Spirits, and you can help make them available to others simply by doing what
you are already doing now.
You know best
what your audience wants and craves
You know best which topics your audience would be most interested in reading
about. I could start there. More than just the worldly point of view, I could
interject the spiritual aspects, as well. And they are not what you might
think, they will be based on the New Teachings. The All Truth of the Holy Spirits
are all-inclusive and really are far more practical and rational. We don’t need
to accept any unreasonable and false dogmas. This is what the New Age of
Enlightenment is all about – All the spiritual teachings will be clarified and
all differences reconciled.
Resolve your
own confusion
If you have any questions of your own regarding any of the religious teachings
or your own personal life situations, I could provide some insights that might
be able to help you based on our teachings. What was entrusted to me is not
alone for me but is supposed to be shared by me with others, as an obligation
and a matter of duty. But don’t be concerned. With us, nothing is forced on
anyone. Everyone is free to decide for himself. You can reject any and all of
the information and do whatever you please with it.
Christ is
depending on you
Christ is relying on us to prepare the people for his imminent coming. Don’t
let him down. And lest you be confused or hesitant, know now that much of these
are New Teachings, otherwise, why else would Christ need to come again.
Resolve your
doubts and apprehensions
I really am who I claim to be:
1. The preparations already undertaken and the new revelations of the last 200
2. About me and our work from the original Inner Quest Website, 1999-2010,
hereto attached:
3. Who are the Archangel Michael and Jesus Christ?
4. All about the Spirits of Truth or the Holy Spirits and their work:
5. My books and some of my other writings:
Be still and listen intently! What is your heart telling you? That is what you
should follow.
Email me or call me. I look forward to hearing from you, soonest.
Angel Luz
Cellphone: +63 928 875 4637
Skype ID: “iq.aluz”.
Aquarian Conspiracy
Understand world events. Political upheavals, social conflicts, environmental
concerns, scientific discoveries, religious movements and the Internet are all
part of the New Age Movement.
According to the ‘Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the
Christ’ which was transcribed directly from the Akashic Records by Levi, just
as our Earth revolves around the sun, the whole solar system itself revolves
around a much larger and central star-sun which is millions of miles distant.
This orbit takes about 26,000 Earth years and is divided into twelve signs of
the Zodiac, each age (sign) lasting about 2,100 years.
upgrading in our spiritual instruction
The start of the Age of Aries coincided with the
appearance of Abraham whose central message was the certain existence of the
One God of all. The Age of Pisces brought Jesus, who clarified and upgraded the
Mosaic and Jewish laws and provided us with true insights pertaining to Heaven
from whence he came and to which he returned. And now in the Age of Aquarius,
it is widely believed that Christ will come again to continue our spiritual
education. Every new age brings with it its own progressive teachings.
The necessary
preparations for the actual dawning of the New Age
Already, in preparation for the coming of the New Age,
modern scientific discoveries in just the last two hundred years have very
drastically changed the way we live. The electric light has turned night into
day and electric gadgets and appliances have freed us from the routine drudgery
of daily living affording us more time to engage in more important work and
recreation. The radio, telegraph, telephone and satellite communications have
made possible the instant exchange of information and technology with any
receiver or terminal anywhere in the world. The development of the printing
press has produced additional millions of volumes of books, newspapers and
magazines for easy and efficient dissemination of all kinds of knowledge.
Automobiles, ships and airplanes have speeded up travel and commerce. What before
took months can now be accomplished in less than a day.
The invention of the camera led to the development of
motion pictures. Today, the Book of Life is rendered obsolete. In its place, we
can now appreciate the existence of the Akashic Records where pictures, sound
and even our most intimate, secret thoughts and feelings can be captured in 3D
and retrieved.
Computers have made the most complicated series of
operations performed in record speed almost automatically or activated by a
well thought out computer program. Probes and androids are replacing humans in
the workplace. Computers and telecommunications combining, the Internet has
turned different races and peoples in far-flung countries into one inter-active
global community.
Submarines and submersibles have explored the ocean
bottoms. Our space probes have mapped the outer planets. Our astronauts have
walked on the moon. And now, many claim to have ongoing encounters with
extra-terrestrials. Evidently, we are not alone.
At the cost of many lives from Lincoln and the sex
slaves from the Orient to Black workers from Africa, slavery has been abolished
in most places. Through the successes of Sidney Poitier, Muhammad Ali, Michael
Jackson, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and others in every field of endeavor,
Blacks now are no longer regarded as inferior to Whites. With role models like
Golda Meier, Margaret Thatcher, Cory Aquino, Mother Teresa and Princess Di,
women are attaining equal status with men. Gay and lesbian rights are likewise
being recognized. All these are simply meant to teach us on a grand scale that
all men, regardless of their sex, color, creed or whatever difference, are
brothers, equally loved by God. So also are we to love one another and love
everyone as we love ourselves.
To provide an effective counterbalance to the
puritanical and socially acceptable but repressive and often absurd teachings
on sex, Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint publicly lived out their alternative
lifestyles. The Hippie Movement from America, the Free Love Revolution from
Europe and the epidemic addiction to drugs together awakened us to the harmful
possibilities of too much freedom enjoyed too soon. Later, the high incidence
of AIDS would accentuate the need for everyone to get back to sanity and moderation.
The best is not in embracing the extremes but in opting for somewhere in
between within reason.
Russia converted back to Christianity. To his credit, Mikhail Gorbachev pushed
for reforms that resulted in the oppressive Communist regime relinquishing much
of its power and territory and the end of the Cold War. The murders at
Tiananmen Square awakened the Chinese conscience. Without the active support of
the leader nations, Communism and the threat of Communist aggression have
waned. Soon, even the War on Terrorism will be won. And world peace will
be nearer our grasp.
Worldwide problems of the environment involving nuclear fallout and waste
disposal, environmental pollution and global warming caused by hothouse gases
depleting the ozone layer have made real to most countries their
interdependence and the need for them to mount a concerted action to resolve
the threats to Mother Earth.
The mass migrations, inter-racial marriages and the
global expansion of multinational business concerns have provided great
opportunities for cultural exchange and deeper understanding among the nations.
Soon, we will come to a greater realization that all of us inhabit just one
solitary spaceship, the Earth. All things that harm it also adversely impact
every living being on the planet. We need to be more responsible and avoid
doing harm, and we need to do it together.
Geologic changes are also predicted to occur.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are expected to continue. Some old and
contemporary psychics and seers insist that the California coastline and many
parts of Japan will be reclaimed by the sea, while other lands will rise.
Whether true or not, we need to be better prepared for any and all such
eventualities. What affects any part of the world affects the whole, as
A general review
of all previous spiritual and religious teachings
The old Eastern teachings have resurfaced affording
us another opportunity to understand them better. Yoga physical disciplines
hone the body and make it more easily responsive to the will of the spirit.
Yoga practices relating to doing the right thing and serving our brothers
directly develop our spirituality. Meditation, like praying the rosary, clears
and focuses the mind and opens it to divine inspiration. Reincarnation, the
doctrine of successive lives, and Karma, the law of cause and effect, sowing
and reaping, are the twin principles the operations of which guarantee our
continued evolution and spiritual perfection through individual merit.
Questions and objections regarding Papal
infallibility, celibacy, veneration of images, saintly interventions, birth
control, abortion, euthanasia and others are being disputed by Catholics and
Protestants, even among their own ranks. Eventually, all that are false will be
discarded and only those that are true will remain.
New and advanced
spiritual teachings introduced
Miracles, supernatural healings and apparitions amaze
everyone and new explanations are offered. At about 1850, to call our attention
to the more spiritual aspects of our being and commence the necessary
preparations for the coming new age, two important major movements drawing
extensively from supernatural sources were initiated, one by the Great White
Brotherhood, the other by the Spirits of Truth. Eastern and Western, they
constitute two seemingly different approaches, but each complements the other
and both are working for the same goals. There is only One God and one
The Eastern
religions revisited and upgraded
By 1875, the great libraries had all been razed to
the ground or ravaged by war and almost all of the old sacred books and records
were destroyed. To reintroduce the Wisdom Teachings of the ancients, the Great
White Brotherhood commissioned the services of their “chela,” Madame Helena P.
Blavatsky. With the use of her spiritual faculties highly developed from past
incarnations, she clairvoyantly accessed the lost information from the Akashic
Records and compiled them all in ‘The Secret Doctrine.’ She also founded the
Theosophical Society to oversee the dissemination of these ancient teachings
and prepare candidates for “chelahood,” a state where candidates have qualified
for acceptance as a student of the Masters, henceforth meriting direct and
personalized guidance and instruction. Theosophical studies cover the origin
and development of the cosmos and human development in all the planes of being
from its beginning to its end.
Following in this tradition a century later, the
Tibetan lama, Lobsang Rampa, was tasked to further simplify, clarify and
upgrade the Eastern teachings. Adept at soul travelling, highly clairvoyant and
telepathic, he recounts his experiences and provides us with startling
revelations relating to the Unseen World. Highly evolved himself, he
understands the divine teachings more completely and he teaches and explains
them in his books which became bestsellers.
The “All Truth”
of the Holy Spirits – the introductory phases
As early as 1850, the Spirits of Truth with the spirit
guides and guardian angels had already initiated their own work in the
Christian context. Their primary objective then was to provide proofs of the
survival of the spirit. Countless Spiritualist mediums in Europe and America
now began to manifest all sorts of magical and highly entertaining phenomena.
Tables rapped messages, so did Ouija boards convey information from beyond.
Ghosts and apparitions regaled and frightened. Objects flying all over the
place appeared and disappeared from view. Much of these manifestations were
subsequently proven to be false, but enough of the genuine articles convinced
those with open minds that there is a greater reality, another world beyond
After the more thoughtful among the people got over
their fascination and wonder, they began to question why all the fuss, what
does it all mean. This time, the Spirits chose a Frenchman,
Leon-Denizarth-Hippolyte Rivail, a member of several learned societies and a
scientist-researcher well known in scientific circles to disseminate their
explanations and teachings. Through various mediums and countless séances, a
special team of Spirit teachers, among them the Apostle John and St. Augustine,
communicated to Rivail the beginning basis of the promised revelations, the All
Truth referred to by Jesus, the many things kept hidden since the foundation of
the world, which in Jesus’ time, the people would not have been able to
Rivail included all these revelations in his books,
‘The Spirits’ Book’ and others under the penname of Allan Kardec, according to
the instructions of the Guides. They later formed the underlying teachings of
Spiritism, which term simply means guidance by the Holy Spirit. In the
Philippines and in Brazil in the mid-1900s, psychic surgeons belonging to this
school performed their barehanded and painless operations and attracted large
followings. In the United States today, Channeling has taken over from
Spiritualism. Each addition to the series brings new insights and reveals
deeper aspects of the same eternal Truths.
To provide Scriptural support to the New Teachings,
the Spirits of Truth allowed an American, Levi (Levi H. Dowling), to transcribe
directly from the Akashic Records. The fifth gospel account, ‘The Aquarian
Gospel of Jesus the Christ,’ provides us with a fuller account of the life and
teachings of the Lord, which includes reincarnation and contains a complete
record of the lost eighteen years so strangely silent in the New
In the early 1900s under the control of the same
Spirits of Truth, one of America’s greatest prophets, the sleeping Edgar Cayce,
revealed useful information during his sleep. Initially, the readings addressed
physical complaints and ailments and detailed unorthodox and unknown cures
which proved very effective. Soon after, the life readings which over time
numbered some 2,500 turned to more important spiritual concerns with
reincarnation as their central theme. From the details of past lives bearing on
the present situations, invaluable guidance was provided and the increased
understanding enabled many to resolve their most difficult and pressing
The contributions
of the traditional churches
The Catholic Church has its own important
contributions to the coming New Age. At Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal, Akita,
Medjugorje, in Egypt and Africa, Mary asked for prayers and enjoined the people
to live holy lives. Padre Pio and many lesser-known saints and healers effected
miraculous healings. Cursillos, life in the spirit seminars, couples for Christ
outreaches, youth mobilizations and mass prayer rallies continue to sustain the
interest and devotion of the faithful. To revitalize and prepare the Church for
the advent of the Third Millennium and reverse the trend of Protestant
conversions, a New Catechism was just recently promulgated.
Revival has erupted everywhere. Protestant preachers
and televangelists, the likes of Billy Graham, Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson,
with his unique long distance healing by “word of knowledge” over the airwaves,
are actively targeting all the nations of the world for evangelization. The
lame walk, the deaf hear and the blind now see. And the old Gospel message is
preached to all nations.
The unfolding
New Age schools are raising the consciousness of many.
Thoughts are things and thought creates. We are what we think we are. It is
possible if we think that it is possible. What we can visualize, we can
materialize into being. Therefore, we should concentrate only on what is good
and think positive.
Psychic development courses are well attended. These
being our natural and inherent properties, we can if we so choose begin to
develop our faculties of clairvoyance, psychometry, astral travel, telekinesis
and healing. They will afford us true insights and personal, undeniable proofs
of spiritual realities. In the Age of Aquarius, we are no longer to be limited
to our five physical senses. Alternative healing classes teach vegetarianism
and proper dieting, stress control, herbal medicine, pyramid and crystal powers,
and magnetic and pranic healing.
For the scientific minded, more recent researches
done by Dr. Raymond Moody on persons who suffered near death experiences tend
to prove survival. Dr. Ian Stevenson’s 2,000 researched cases and the hypnotic
regressions conducted by Dr. Helen Wambach support reincarnation.
But all these did not come easily. There were massive
opposition every step of the way and they are not expected to dissipate
anytime, soon. After all, we really need to ferret out mistakes and weed out
false concepts before we can arrive at the correct conclusions. Hence,
opposition to new ideas should be considered healthy and necessary, and to be
In addition, the upgrading of previous instruction is
ever continuing. To spirits, there is infinite progress and no end to learning.
Therefore, any new knowledge is not to be feared. Instead, this should be
scrutinized, analyzed and tested with our minds open. How else can we go
forward? So let us be more courageous. Let us venture out into uncharted
territories and learn new things. Further down the road, our trust in God will
ensure that the Truth will triumph in the end.
Inner Quest Website, December, 1999